Category Archives: Reviews

Highlights of my day…

Every mommy needs some time for themselves… even if that time is with their baby.

With Addie is tow, I headed to The Gallery Salon in Providence to be color treated by Mrs. Sara Marsh. After washing my hair for the first time in 4 days the night before, I came equipped with a cute baby and a terrifying bun-ish hairstyle. I knew once I sat in her chair, that I would get just what I needed- some pampering and good conversation.

Bring on Sara and The Gallery. A beautiful salon with all of the ooohs and ahhhhs mom needs and the natural environment that is sure to amuse, not over stimulate, the babe you may have to bring with you. Sara’s Wednesday was open, and she asked Addie’s schedule to be sure that we would not disrupt her; this was a time for me to relax, after all. We settled on 10:15am, which was perfect! It was the perfect timing for Addie and me to wake, shower, eat, and for me to pump. As we entered the salon, Sara pumped up the AC for Addie’s temp-sensitive body and turned on the music to a non-deafening, but enjoyable, level. And we were off!

As Addie drifted off for a nap, we chatted about what I wanted, and decided to go with the same colors we had at my last visit (embarrassingly too long ago). I would have the same highlights I’d gotten on the last time to match Addie’s hair color; a beautiful reddish sun-kissed look. Addie’s hair brings me back to my youth. I’m sure you know that time: When you smelled of the lotions and sprays you had time to apply and your eye make-up didn’t disappear into the fine lines that have encircled your peepers. Make-up? It’s the stuff  you used to put on before you turned your head to the left and smelled the faint stench of milk and vomit.

I adore being a mommy, but sometimes I need some pampering.

Just as Sara placed the last foil in my hair, Addie alerted us she was hungry! No problem! Offering up the lovely, plushy, leather couch (SO comfy), Addie and I opted to stay in Sara’s chair at her station. It was very comfortable and with the foot rest and perfectly placed padding, we settled in well. As I processed, Addie enjoyed her milk… just see for yourself:

As if Sara were blessed with the most perfect timing clock, Addie finished eating just as I was finished processing! Moving to the washing station, I settled into another comfortable chair, complete with a strong foot rest- a super fancy recliner, if you will. As I bent my knees up, Addie rested against my legs watching Sara work and being amused (read: smiles brought on by funny faces), as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm water and luxury shampooing.

We moved back to the station where Sara was 100% OK with Addie staying on my lap and watching herself in the mirror- she even offered a towel to protect Addie from my falling hair, which I declined (I just blew the hair off Addie). Finally, onto the drying!  Addie loves the hair dryer (and vacuum), so she was not alarmed by the sound and perhaps even enjoyed it. By the end of the blowout, Addie had peaced out:

And, my highlights and blowout look great… even the NEXT day!

The best part mommies: Sara will work with you to get, not only your current desired look, but where you want to be until you can get back to the salon.  Can’t get out every 6 weeks for your hair? Me neither. Who really can these days? Sara gives me a cut and color, every time, that is manageable for everyday wear, and color with a perfect grow out, even if I can’t get back in her chair for a few months (yes, months!). For just over $100, Addie and I were treated to an afternoon of comfort and pampering- totally mom friendly!

And, Sara does a mean trim for men, too!

Let’s be honest here, Addie whimpered, cried and fussed a bit in the 3 hours we were there, but no one was upset by her, in fact I got nothing but smiles and coos her way. Makes a mom feel better about disrupting other people relaxing- good thing she’s so darn cute!

Visit Sara’s webpage at to learn more about her, get some pricing and contact her for your appointment today. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

*I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are my own, and are based on a multiple visits, two with a child under the age of one.

The Gallery Salon
31 Governor Street
Providence, RI

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Filed under Reviews

The BEST Mall Experience, ever.

So, I know what you’re expecting. Some sarcastic story about how terrible service was at some mall. BUT, let me surprise you: I had the best mall experience ever, today.

Addie and I joined our friends at Extravaganza Kids for our regular Monday meeting with RI New Moms group, when I looked down and my fun faded. Am I being dramatic? Yes. But the charm my husband had gotten me to symbolize mother and baby girl, was missing a pink stone.

Fast forward 90 mi9nutes, and Addie and I are on our way to the Warwick Mall! (cue super hero music) I was convinced I would need the receipt, credit card or, at least, the purchaser of the charm, but I wanted to give  it a go and see if they would replace it for me.  I threw a burp cloth over my shoulder and carried Addie into the mall. As I entered Kay Jewelers, a young man looked up at me, gave me a welcoming smile and asked how he could help. I told him how I noticed my charm missing a stone today and that I had nothing with me to prove its purchase, but I know my husband used his Kay Jewelers’ credit card (of which I do not have… what a danger that would be!).

Nathan, the sales associate, gave me another smile as he walked over to a computer and asked for Dave’s information.  After he pulled it up, he printed out a copy of the sale and went to work on a return/resale transaction. Many employees offered their help as the charm was purchased a few months back and at another location. No problem; Nathan made the call necessary to override whatever issues he had. He went the extra step to make the exchange as simple as possible. Then he went a step further.  The charm that was being replaced also happened to be, of course, the one all the way on the inside of my bracelet. Nathan took all of my charms off in the same order as I had them, replaced the mother/child charm, and then all of the other ones, before placing the bracelet back around my wrist and securing the clasp. The whole process was slightly time consuming, during which Addie started to lose her cool- as she gets rather hot- but so pleasant, regardless of the temperature. (No one mentioned Addie being a bit of a grump, in fact- they still thought she was cute!) Customer service, friendly and empathetic associates and a pretty new charm! Really and truly, a wonderful experience!

A wonderful experience that, during which, I looked over my shoulder, reaching for the cloth, to wipe Addie’s hands and noticed: NO BURP CLOTH. I was so frustrated… and my shoulder was soaked. I knew that I must have dropped it, but as I left Kay’s with my beautiful charm bracelet and all its charms intact (THANK YOU NATHAN!!!), I didn’t see it on the floor as I retraced my steps to the parking lot.

As I walked up to my car, there it was. A bright pink burp cloth in the handle of my car!  As I had walked into the mall a young couple was just reaching their car with their child in a stroller. They must have seen me drop the cloth and put it on my car for me. Just when you think the whole world is out to get you, someone surprises you!
Thank you Kay Jewelers! Thank you Warwick Mall! Thank you to the nice couple that saved Addie’s burp cloth from the parking lot abyss!





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Filed under Community, Parenting, Reviews