Tag Archives: investment

My Best Friend

If I could choose an inanimate object as my BFF, I would chose the NoseFrida. The tagline: The Snot Sucker, may intimidate you, but I promise it’s worth it. In conjunction with the bulb syringe, it makes MOM and unstoppable force against snot.

Addie began to show signs of congestion a few weeks ago, and though she is happy as a clam (are clams really that happy), the snot running down the face look is just not for me. I used to bulb, but it didn’t get it all out and it took a long time, so I took a chance on the NoseFrida. It’s AMAZING!

I suck the deep back with the *bulb syringe then get it all with the Frida, and call it a day!

Children with achondroplasia often have narrow nasal passages, so I was concerned about the season of stuffy noses and teething all running into each other, but I know we can tackle it with our new friend! It’s non-invasive, quick and Addie actually laughs at it half the time! She is able to keep her bink in, too, which is a great distraction. I was concerned about snot in my mouth, but the Swedes (it’s a Swedish product) thought of everything- the part against the nose is very long (I’ve never gotten anything above the tip), then there is a filter- which is easy to change and comes with extra (also available separately), then there is the tub you suck through which is long. Although I would not use this on a child other than mine (that seems really gross), I think this is something I wish I had registered for. It is a great investment (about $14-20 depending on where you purchase).

** Martinka must-haves to battle the nose
1. Little Noses “kit”
2. NoseFrida
3. Kleenex
(The inexpensive brands are very dry and rough on baby noses!)
4. Baby cotton swabs
(the dry cotton helps grab anything you missed)

* proper use of the syringe includes HOLDING the opposite nostril to create suction! Just putting it in the nose does not give enough to pull snot down.

** PLEASE be VERY careful when putting anything in your child’s nose. The NoseFrida is GREAT because you don’t have to put it in the nose which takes away the chance of injuring your child.

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Filed under Parenting, Reviews