Tag Archives: rolls over


A day out!  …and what a day!

Addie and I went to the Mystic Aquarium to meet some new friends, and it was amazing.  Addie got loved on by some very adorable little ladies (babies are not an interest of the boys!)- and as she gets older, I know she’ll love playing with her new friends, while mommy got to talk to some parents who told me the truth: she’ll be fine!

The day started out rainy and gross, and I was nervous having just Addie with me. I feared the rain was an omen. I have to admit sometimes it’s hard to be a tattooed mom with less than $100 to your name and a hubby who is always at work. I feel like a stereotype. Like I provide everything Addie needs, but still seems like we’ll never be able to keep up with the Joneses- and why should we try? But there was not a judgement to be made- all that anyone saw was the precious little Addie. And later in the day the sun came out, reflecting how I felt on the inside (warm, not sweaty).

I finally got to talk to a mom I’d met online, and she showed me such a strong spirit- what she has watched her daughter go through could bring you to tears, but she smiles and offers nothing but the happiest and best words. And her little girl? If she doesn’t make you smile, you’re deaf- she will tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about life, without ever taking a breath: the world is good, and riding on the flume is the best part of any water park (when you meet the weight requirement, that is).  I also spoke with a couple that reminded me so much of Dave and me that I found myself blabbing away to them, wishing we lived closer and then calling Dave when I got in the car and bragging about how beautiful their girls are. Then there was the littest cutie, who couldn’t take her eyes off Addie- so much love coming from a 4 year old filled me with such warmth. There were stories of surgeries and sleep issues, advice about anesthesia and the first day of school, and the final word: breathe.

Best advice I got was from a dad who reminded me so much of my own- he loves his little girls and it shows! He told me that Addiewill do what all the other kids do, she’ll just do it in her own time.

There is no rush in life. I often lament that as I child all I wanted to do was grow up so I could do whatever I wanted… now all I want to do is throw on my goalie equipment and do two-a-days until school starts, and then get a pop-quiz day two. What happened to youth? It’s wasted on the young. As an adult mom, I plan on savoring everyday that I have with Addie and enjoying her milestones. Maybe she will walk at 12 months, and maybe not til 30. Who cares? She’ll walk, she will run and until then, she will smile each and everyday. I’ve spent my days since 1984 going from one thing to another, hurrying up to finish things that should have been savored and trying to be ahead of a game that isn’t a game. Life. You can’t really win something that you make up as you go along.

Addie rolls over, smiles at silly noises, holds her head up, pulls my hair and gabs away all night when her daddy gets home! She’s doing pretty darn well at her life… and she’s made our lives complete!

Thank you to all of the parents for answering all the questions I had, loving our beautiful Addie and sharing your experiences so openly.  I feel confident that we can and will have the best care, friends and love we could ever ask for for our Miss Adelaide.


Filed under Achondroplasia, Community