Category Archives: Reviews

In Sickness and In Health

I think I should just rename Dave’s business trips as Disaster Weeks.

Something(s) always happens.

This time:
My cell phone miraculously died
Addie got her first stomach bug
…and the night he got back, half of my tooth fell out.

Because I love to celebrate, let me first wish my bestie, Ashley, a happy 25th birthday. As she gets up there in age (NOT), she also gets more and more beautiful. I am so lucky to know her and to have declared her as my sister ❤
My step-dad, Al, is also celebrating his birthday today! Happy birthday, Daddy Al! We love you and can’t wait to see you in a few weeks to celebrate “your” Bambino’s first birthday!

And so, we move on… but not before one of my favorite photos, of course!

This is a picture from the day of my wedding. It was pouring and Al was clearly doing something to get the water out! He may not be my biological dad, but he tries his darnedest to be a father <3

This is a picture from the day of my wedding. It was pouring and Al was clearly doing something to get the water out! He may not be my biological dad, but he tries his darnedest to be a father ❤

As I stated, when Dave leaves it seems like everything falls apart! For some reason, my newly replaced cell phone had a screen connection problem, out of the blue, that happened Monday night. Really… it was working, and I left it on my desk as I cleaned up the living room. Then  I went to check the time, and the screen was black with stripes on it- almost like a bar code.

I couldn’t sleep for fear that Addie would have a problem in the middle of the night, so I had time to write an obituary for my phone:

Last night, HTC Incredible died from an unknown complication of being an older android cellular device.
He will be (un)fondly remembered as fritz-y, spotty, unable to commit to being on (or off), having memory confusion and being, in general, noisy for no notification reasons.
He is survived by the HTC Incredible 2, which not only has a bigger screen, but a better rear camera and a new feature upgrade of the front camera, as well. (Perfect for mom + baby selfies) Two will carry on the SD card of Incredible with many wonderful memories, and a great hope and expectation that the new platform has better performance capabilities.
HTC Incredible was buried at the Asurion Headquarters on March 26, 2013. In lieu of flowers, the Incredible family requests you give all other android phones a chance before purchasing the iPhone or one of the 5 family members, who all seem to have mostly the same features, but go up in price.

Because the  last time Dave left we ended up at the doctor 3 times in 2 days, I was terrified to not have a phone- so I packed Addie into the car at 7:30pm and headed to the Verizon store. The gentleman who helped me was wonderful and my new phone was at my house the next day at 10am (and it was the upgraded version!). So… perfect! All is well in the world, right?


After a wonderful play date on Tuesday, a much needed event for us  ladies, Addie woke up Wednesday morning sleeping in vomit. She took a bath and seemed fine, so I gave her a banana and my milk. Her usual breakfast. She seemed fussy, though (very unlike her) and kept raising her arms to be picked up. After picking her up, she promptly dropped her head onto my chest and fell asleep. Not 3 minutes later she picked her head up and threw up all over me. I let her finish and sat her next to me, thankful that she had only gotten Dave’s big, fluffy robe that I was wearing, and her  own pick ensemble… but then it came again. In waves, my poor girl was getting sick all over herself and the bed beneath her. I didn’t know what to do except let her finish. Throughout it she kept looking at me trying to smile, as though she was apologizing.

In the pink robe, pre-illness

In the pink robe, pre-illness

I called the doctor. “A stomach bug is going around,” the nurse told me. She gave me guidelines for Pedialyte and told me to call again if there was a high fever or ear ache involved. I hung up feeling helpless and dirty. I could not remember the last time I’d showered and I was already through two outfits.


I learned a valuable lesson that I’d like to share with all parents out there! Put a plastic sheet on your bed.

Before Addie was born, I knew I wanted to do as much skin-to-skin time as possible, so we put a plastic sheet on under the mattress cover to be prepared.In the first few weeks of Addie’s life, she would sleep on my chest, no diaper and we would stay like that for hours. Most of the time, the towel under me was enough, but sometimes, the sheets took a hit. No problem.

With Addie’s illness, we changed the sheets 3 times (I did 11 loads of laundry in 2 days- Thanks Woolzies for making it easier!). You know your child is ill when your bedding comes from all three different sets (one sage green, one cranberry red and the other a grey green)… topped by your shades-of-purple suede comforter. During this mess, I also learned the putting a plastic sheet, cover mattress and fitted sheet on (TIMES TWO) will save you  in the case of accidents in the baby’s crib! Just peel off the top layer  of mess and done!

With Pedialyte, nursing and LOTS of cuddles, Addie was feeling better and was smiling ear-to-ear when Dave got home later that night:

Being mom to just one is a blessing. I know how lucky I am to have had all the time in the world to devote to cuddling and nursing as she needed.

Being mom to just one is a blessing. I know how lucky I am to have had all the time in the world to devote to cuddling and nursing as she needed.

Finally! Dave was home! I was SO going to take a shower… but only after we ate. As I bit into my food, I felt something hard. Ew. There was some bone in my chicken!

Then I ran my tongue  over my back teeth.

There was a hole.

A little back story here: I grind my teeth. I have forever. I blame my parents. Not only do I grind in my sleep, sometimes so loud it wakes Dave up, l but I catch myself grinding my front and back teeth during the day, too. I have woken up with a headache everyday for over 2 months… this is nothing new. I went almost 8 months a few years ago. Stress makes it worse, which I’ve been under a lot (see: CPL), but it’s just a part of me. Even when  I’m happy, I grind.

Freaked out and ashamed of my oral health, I called my Mom, posted on FB to find a dentist, and got in the shower to finally clean my hair! Dave peeked past the curtain, “make an appointment tomorrow, I’ll take care of it.” If there had been more hot water, I would have sat down and cried. I was so tired and my tooth hurt. Why does this stuff have to keep happening? was all I could think.

I got a referral from my awesome friend (and amazing stylist) Sara, who  directed me to Page Family Dentistry on the East Side of Providence. I was warned that they’re not warm and fuzzy, but they know their stuff. I looked them up and wrote the number down- prepared to call in the morning. When I reached them at 8:30 they had TWO appointments for me to choose from the SAME DAY! Because they didn’t have a sliding scale, I was timid, but when I ate my yogurt, a blueberry went into the back of my mouth and I was stung with the worst pain. “3:45,” I blurted.

Addie was asleep when I parked, but as I lifted her car seat I saw her eyes flutter. Shoot. No nap meant she might become a mess at some point. Onward we went! As I approached the door I saw a sign. Of course I saw a literal sign, but a sign too.

Dr. Marc Page and Dr. Lawrence Page.

My Dad’s name was Mark Laurence. Woah. I know, I’m reading a lot into it, but I knew that I’d found my dentist. Plus, as I was leaving, Dr. Page (not sure who is who… I don’t think I was introduced to the guy who bonded my tooth YIKES!) walked past and I saw his jacket said DVC with a ram on it. “Is that from Del Val?” He looked at me. “The Aggies,” I said, “I’m from Pennsylvania.” “Nobody ever knows that,” he said back. We had a brief  conversation. Life comes full circle.

The hygienists were all nice and they loved Addie… who was smiley (of course) and happy the whole time. Even without a nap, she was my little peach as usual. Like I said… I’m not sure who is who, but the man who I saw was amazing. He knew I had no insurance so he bonded the tooth (it looks and feels great!) instead of pushing me to get the (much needed at $950!) crown. He seemed impressed that my 13 year old night guard still fit and offered to trim it for me if I brought  it in Monday morning (he’d have it back by 5pm).

He welcomed me to make another appointment, AND took a look at my last tooth- reassuring me it’s NOT a cavity. Like I said, I grind. My top teeth have actually ground a hole into the tooth. Dr. Page checked my bite and ground down some of the sharp tooth up top for me. And encouraged me to wear my night guard as much as possible.

Tooth Break

Basically, I need a lot of basic dental care, which I knew (nothing major- but a lot of it) and is one of the reasons- besides money- that I have avoided the dentist. I have to say, while no one at this office seems like a “hugger” to me, I was not judged or made to feel badly about my lack of dental care. I was warned that the bonding may not last, but that it was better than being in pain and the woman who does all the billing gave me lots of information about individual plans that I could look at for care. I noticed all dental insurance is incredibly expensive, requires a year of payment before any major work can be done and if you do the math and only need a few things it’s cheaper to just pay out-0f-pocket, BUT I really appreciated the time the woman took to explain it to me AND  give me information for me to review.

If you’re looking for a dentist: PLEASE check out Page Family Dentistry– you won’t regret it!

All-in-all, I’m glad I have my hubby. He loves his ladies, even when we are sick and cares for us until we are well. Happy weekend, Reader!


Filed under Family Life, Parenting, Reviews

Woolzies Review + GIVEAWAY!

I most definitely had one of those you know you’re a mom when moments the second my wonderful mail carrier dropped off a medium brown box. I had been waiting for whatever in the world dryer balls were, and the anticipation was stretching the laundry basket! My Woolzies  were here and on laundry day! I was super excited for this review because when Addie was born, I’d stopped using dryer sheets and fabric softener due to the chemicals in them that are not only bad for you and the environment, but reduce the absorbency of towels and destroys the fire retardant qualities in clothing. Oh yeah, and my tech-gear I use for running and biking? It’s all kind of ruined from fabric softener. Oops.

Woolzies Box

I was secretly jumping up and down on the inside when I threw my first load in the washer, patiently waiting for it’s departure to the dryer. (Yes, my basement IS scary!)

Washer and Dryer

My personal dryer dilemmas include these:
Have you  ever gone running and had a thong fall out of your sleeve? I have. Without my dryer sheets, I’d been having lots of moments like my running-thong issue. Another laundry issue: TIME! Why is my dryer ALWAYS behind the washer?! Lastly… chemicals! With a beautiful baby and a sensitive hubby, using “free” detergent and then dryer sheets that have nothing natural , organic or hypoallergenic in them is a waste and causes quite a few itchy family members. Not to mention the dog finds all of the dryer sheets and shreds them throughout the house for me to gather.

Woolzies have solved those issues, single-handedly. The box comes with 6 balls made from 100% New Zealand Wool. They look like white, uneven tennis balls.


Which brings me to an interesting question… have you ever used tennis balls in your laundry? I have never had a reaction to dryer sheets, but when I used tennis balls  (in an attempt to reduce the chemicals in  my life) I got SO itchy! Who knew that tennis balls released harsh PVCs and are made of lots of different chemicals? Now I know! Anyhow, with the six handmade, hypoallergenic balls in my dryer I dried a queen-size comforter, 2 square decorative pillows, and 2 shams in 80 minutes- 1 1/3 cycle- usually it’s two full cycles  and then some. In fact, all of my regular laundry was dried in one cycle, from  the towels to the jeans to the delicates. Sounds impossible, I know. Best part is… WAY less static, however, it was still there. To avoid the runner-thong situation again I added a ball of foil to the dryer as suggested on the information that comes with Woolzies- no more static here! All of my underwear is now separate from my running gear!

My favorite part of the Woolzies: there are no chemicals. None. Besides Dave’s sensitive skin, we want to, as parents, make sure that Addie isn’t exposed to any unnecessary fragrance or chemicals. In part because of baby-sensitivities and also because of her extra baby rolls, Addie breaks out in hives when there is an abundance of fragrance in detergent, washes, and dryer sheets. This is why Woolzies are for us.  As a mom and wife, I want to give my family the healthiest lifestyle possible- that starts with what we consume and touch on a daily basis. Already using a free and clear all natural detergent left me feeling good about the washing, and the dryer cycle solution of Woolzies has brought me much inner-peace. It’s true, a few balls of wool can make a mother’s heart rest easy.

Finally, a simple mathematical equation based on 10 loads per week at 3 sheets per load (30 sheets/week):
A name-brand of dryer sheets are $9 for a box of 160.
I need 1,560 sheets, or 10 whole boxes. 10 x $9 = $90. In one year, I need $90 of dryer sheets.
One box of Woolzies at $34.50 provides 1,000 dries, instead of 3,000 sheets, which is ~19 boxes or $171.00!
1,000 dries at 10 loads per week (520 loads a year) with Woolzies equates to almost 2 years of drying!

The savings over 2 years? More than $300. For real.

How can you get your own box for free?

Leave a comment below mentioning which of the following actions you took and/or why you need Woolzies! (+1)
* Follow me on Twitter (+2)
* Follow Woolzies on Twitter (+2)
* Follow Addie on Facebook (+2)
* Follow Woolzies on Facebook (+2)
* Tweet about the giveaway (mention @martinka and @woolzies) (+3)
* Follow the blog (+5)
* Add my button to your blog (+10)
* Tweet more than one day? (+4) Just comment again!

A winner will be drawn from on April 3rd.

Thank you for entering… I promise you will not be disappointed!

*I received a box of Woolzies as compensation for a review. All thoughts and opinions are mine, as always, and are not influenced by outside sources.


Filed under Reviews

Marvelous Monday!

Hello, Reader! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and did not imbibe too much! If so: Advil + Tylenol and have a pint of slightly salty water and lots of plain water… at least that’s what my college taught me 😉 I spent my Sunday celebrating my little beauty’s 11 month birthday… where does the time go?!


This week I am thankful for wine stoppers! You know when you open a bottle, and you know you won’t finish it (at least you hope you won’t), but you tore the cork to an unrecognizable heap of flakes-that-once-were? That is where stoppers come in handy. I got a nifty owl-topped stopper as a gift (post-baby gifts are pretty amazing) and I am SO glad. It’s cute in the kitchen and makes me feel a bit fancy. For those times when you’re trying to open the bottle of wine with one hand, while you stir dinner, soothe the baby, finish the dishes and feed the dog with the other- my wine stopper has saved me! I no longer have to look to where the cork went to, pry it off the corkscrew, or figure out how to slam it back in there after I let it breathe and pour myself a glass… thanks to this awesome invention. Cheers to you Monday warriors- may your evening [glass] be filled once tonight, and the remainder saved, nice and fresh for tomorrow!

I am excited about this week, because I have some information about dwarfism that is both interesting to learn about, and crucial to new POLP (parents of little people). This weekend, new parents asked me about getting an MRI for their child who is not suffering from pain or sleepless nights. This child is just a few weeks old and also has achondroplasia. Addie just had a sleep study, and I think that’s what prompted this email to me.

Background information: Spinal cord compression is very common in people with dwarfism. Compression is the narrowing of the foramen magnum (at the base of the skull) causing the spine to become pinched. In many cases this narrowing causes pinching on the nerves and can cause pain, as well as central sleep apnea, which is when the brain tells the body to stop breathing. Without the presence of pain, it is hard to diagnose compression without an MRI or a sleep study. Due to the American Pediatric Guidelines on what tests should be performed for a child with achondroplasia, many doctors automatically prescribe an MRI. Because you have to be perfectly still for an MRI, many children are put to sleep for the process. Anytime someone is put under, there is a risk. For very young children, there is a higher risk. For someone with different spinal complications than an average height patient, there are more concerns and risks. With that, people with dwarfism often go through many x-rays in their lives, and the more you are radiated, the more you become susceptible to diseases that stem from radiation. With that being said: specialists in the genetic study of skeletal dysplasias suggest a sleep study (or multiple sleep studies) to rule out compression long before they suggest an MRI. Again, this is without the presence of pain. If there is pain involved, there are other factors that will be discussed in terms of necessary imaging and testing.

So… I wanted to share some of my responses with you. I think it is both educating and enlightening. While there are so many questions as to what is right or wrong for your child, I find myself, with other parents, wrestling with some heavy decisions about excess imaging (Addie is x-rayed every 6 months for the first 6 years of her life as a standard procedure with her geneticist), surgeries, testing and the big decision Dave and I made to spend time and money driving Addie to Delaware twice a year (305 miles each way) to meet with the top geneticist and leading orthopedic doctor specializing in skeletal dysplasia. We seek information about who is the best neurologist, ENT, pediatric dentist who has seen dwarfism, EI specialists who understand the physical limitations of younger children with achondroplasia… the list goes on. But, here, I’d like to focus on the idea of the MRI. I feel it is not necessary without presentation of pain AND/OR a negative sleep study showing an excess of central sleep apnea occurrences, with or without a severe loss in oxygen efficiency in sleep.

I am not a doctor. What I say below are my opinions as a mother. The stated opinions below should not be taken as medical fact or used as your final decision without consulting a medical professional. Here is our back and forth. I edited some information so that this family would not be recognized.

Our child is currently only 6 weeks old and the doctor wants to schedule an MRI, in which he will have to be sedated. It just scares me to have someone so little sedated, especially with all of the complications associated with sedation

Why an MRI? Is he feeling pain, in your mind? Addie has sleep studies instead of MRIs because I won’t put her under for imaging.
Is it a geneticist or pedi? Do they have experience with achons?

Currently it is the Pediatrician. He is not feeling any pain, as far as I’m concerned. She says that she is following the American Pediatric guidelines associated with Achondroplasia. She wants to consult with his geneticist first and then we are to go on from there. I don’t think she may have much experience with Achons but I am told that is the case with many. I’ve had many moms on POLP tell me that their children underwent MRI’s in infancy because it’s standard and they encourage it. I’m very much against it.

YES- she is right. The American Pedi guidelines suggest it, but that is for doctors who have patients with dwarfism, but who are not familiar with the condition, as they need guidelines.
Find a geneticist who works with LP and go from there. Dr. Bober in Delaware (we drive 300+ miles twice a year) was so glad we didn’t get an MRI. It’s ridiculous to image any child unnecessarily. They’re looking for compression in the foramen magnum, which will appear as pain and/or central sleep apnea. Apnea can also be caused by obstructions like the tonsils or adenoids. This is obstructive sleep apnea. A sleep study is the best place to start, especially if you’re not noticing pain cues. A sleep study will give results about if apnea is occurring and what kinds are, if at all. With this information you can see a neurologist, for central/foramen concerns, or an ENT for obstructive concerns.
If pain were an issue, I would go for the MRI, but with all the imaging our babies need to get in life, I, personally, want to limit unnecessary exposure.

Sleep studies aren’t “fun”, but they aren’t dangerous- putting a baby under always has risks.
Lots of kids still get them, but it’s not something that the leading specialists in skeletal dysplasia find necessary unless they see issues elsewhere first.

And so… there is a bit of what happens in our lives. It’s not tragic, but it’s a lot to think about just a few weeks after your baby is born, especially when it’s not something (like vaccines or schooling) that most parents think about long before their child arrives. Thank you for being more aware with me!

Lastly, my random of the week is a review! I was not paid, so don’t worry about advertising here!

As many of you know, Dave and I don’t go out. Not like “oh we never go out, but we get take out”… we don’t go out, we don’t get food out, we don’t grab a quick bite places, or the like. We simply do not have the funds for that… so, when we decide to have an afternoon date, we hope it’s out of this world. Let’s just say the Kitchen Bar in Providence was not that.

I chose to stop here because there is a restaurant with the same name in Willow Grove, PA and I love it- they are in no way connected, but I figured we’d give it a whirl. As we entered with Addie (and her booster seat cover), we were greeted by a customer with Alzheimer’s who shook Dave’s hand and told us how beautiful Addie was. I already liked this place from the name, and this older gentleman really brought a softness to me. Now… where was someone to seat us in the small, nearly empty place? Ahh… there she is. She’s the one who seemingly doesn’t have a smile and the reached past Dave without so much as a grunt to grab some menus and ask us if we needed a highchair. It was a rough start, but we figured: no big deal.


Our waitress (also the hostess) came to take our order: Dave the poached pear and sweet potato salad to which he added grilled chicken and the Reuben for myself. She walked away before I could ask for a cider. Dave caught her attention on the way back from another table and ordered one for me. She asked if I wanted a glass, to which I replied “No”. She walked over, pouring the cider into a glass. Hmmmm…

As I sipped my cider, Dave took Addie to the men’s room to change Addie. There were no changing tables/stations in either bathroom, but they were really clean (bonus). Dave changed Addie in his lap- he’s such a resourceful Daddy!

When our food came, Dave was so glad he had added chicken, as there was barely any sweet potato (small bits) and just a few thin slices of pear. He made a note that when you have small bits in salads, a vinaigrette tends to lose those pieces, but a creamy dressing picks them up. This salad just wasn’t exciting, the elements were lost and without the chicken (which was delicious and Addie ate half of), he would have been left a hungry man. Then there was my sandwich. I LOVE Reubens (call it my Jewish heritage), so I should have read better. There was no Russian dressing… but there was SO much salt, I’m not sure that dressing would have saved it for me. Thankfully, the fries were amazing. Crispy, not salty or greasy- just delightful… and plentiful! I think there were enough fries for an army!


As we cleared our plates (except for the fries and the bread of 1/2 of my sandwich), we waited; Addie slowly growing impatient. Dave and I downed our water, and waited. Our waitress bussed and reset a table, refilled a customer’s beer at the bar and checked on another table all while we both attempted eye contact. From the moment she’d set our plates down, she had not returned to check on us once. With Addie in her coat and finally showing that she was done and ready to nap, Dave got up and went to the opening of the kitchen (it’s an open kitchen and he just popped his head in and said “if we could have the check, that would be great!”- in the sweet way only Dave’s patience allowed. She plopped it down gently next to him a minute later, took his debit card and returned the black folder to Dave to sign. She quickly returned for it less than 30 seconds later. I have to admit, I was miffed. Not once during our meal did you check on us, but you came back for your signed receipt faster than a speeding bullet? I’m confused by the service, or lack-there-of and the food was less than wow-ing. Personally, I would not come back here unless it was to watch a game on one of their smaller TVs on a day when there were few people there again. The bar was well stocked, and people friendly enough, but when you spend money eating out less than 6 times a year (this includes take-out, dates and sandwich stops), knowing that you’ll have good food and a good experience means a lot. You want to spend those few precious moments that someone else is waiting on you in a comfortable and welcoming environment. For us, that was not the Kitchen Bar.

The aesthetic design of the pub-style restaurant was beautiful- simple and clean, and the location on Hope Street keeps you right in the hustle and bustle of the famous East Side. Stop in for a drink and some fries… but leave the kids and true appetite at home.

My favorites <3

My favorites ❤

Have a marvelous week!!!


Filed under Marvelous Monday, Reviews

Making a splash!

Sometimes Addie and I go to Petco to see fish. You may think that’s kind of  a pathetic day-trip, but the tanks are well cared for and it’s free. Recently, however, just 20 minutes of fish watching has not been enough. Addie wants to see more, and touch the tanks. It’s adorable to see her love for sea life growing before my eyes, but the employees of our local pet shop are not thrilled at the perspective of slimy baby hands on the front of their tanks.

This is what brought me to the Biomes page on Facebook. After liking the page and following all their posts for weeks, I asked a few of my girls if they wanted to take a trip with me to check it out! On a cold day earlier this week, we bundled our babies up and headed to the North Kingstown gem!

Mamas and babies

Thank you, Nikki, for snapping these pics!

My girl <3

My girl ❤

A location with easy access, Biomes is situated on the busy Post Road. There was plenty of parking and it’s all close to the door- perfect for this rainy day! We went in and were greeted at the desk, located to the left. Once introduced, we began our 2 1/2 hours to the right of the building- with Darwin, the tortoise. He is in a low, wooden tank- perfect for kids to pet his shell or just peer over the edge to see him. He’s pretty cool- for us old people, too 🙂

We moved on to some awesome tanks, including sea horses… which are my favorite!

aqua 008

The venue is small, and one-level, and the scenery is simple and casual. There are no fancy signs or digital displays- just beautiful sea life and lots of it! As we walked through to each tank, Addie began to get hungry.  As she was sitting looking at a tank, she pulled her bottle from my hands and laid back into me. I let her lay down and drink… no one seemed to mind. It can be so hard to hold a growing, curious baby- I was so glad that no one gave us heat for this… plus, she was really cute! The scenery around her actually helped her finish faster than usual!


When she was done, we headed over to one of the many hands-on tanks. Addie loved reaching in the water and got to touch (briefly) a shark! Above,  she is attempting to get her hands on a horseshoe crab. There was even a tank of baby horseshoe crabs- so cute!

BabyBumsThere were a lot of larger tanks for the kids to look into, and they are perfect for smaller and taller kids- makes the trip worth it for families of all ages and size.

I was shocked when I looked down at my watch and realized that we had been there for 2 hours! When we walked in the place seemed so small, but there is truly so much to see, it’s easy to get lost (mentally) in all the tanks and even in watching the wonderment of your children as they observe a whole other world.Fishies


Before we went to leave, my ladies and I noticed a white picket fence area full of toys (mostly ocean-theme) for kids to play with! Excitedly, we walked towards the space, filled with options for younger and older kids. I scooped up Addie and went to change her diaper before we got down to play. I have to mention this, because it’s not common for me to find… The facilities were CLEAN- not just acceptable, but clean. The changing table is new and they have disposable liners to put down underneath your wiggly one while you freshen his or her bum. And then, we got down to play! Our babes seemed more interested in playing and drooling on tanks, so we didn’t go to story/craft time, but I suggest you check out THIS page to learn more about them- both of which are held in this same play space!


Biomes is an AWESOME place for us to all meet up and have a fun afternoon out of the cold and rain. The babies loved it AND their admission was free (kids and adults over 3 are $9). There is a family membership for just $100 a year, which I think would be awesome to have (gift idea for those of you that shop for Christmas in July!). Their hours are Sunday 10am to 5pm and Monday-Friday noon to 5pm. It’s a perfect place for parents to meet up and let the kids enjoy learning in a hands-on environment and an open space (can’t get lost here!). I cannot wait (or can I?) to have one of Addie’s birthdays here– they offer them on weekends!

Addie wants YOU to come to Biomes with her!

Addie wants YOU to come to Biomes with her!

When we parted ways, my ladies all said their goodbyes and our little ones did, too. As we turned to leave (close to closing), we saw one of the fish being fed (it was being fed other, smaller fish). It was awesome! I cannot suggest this place more for all your afternoon blues- when you need to get out, but don’t want to do the “usual”, or on rainy days. I could have spent more time here, but the 2 1/2 hours we had were perfect!

*I was given free passes in exchange for a blog review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by outside sources.


Filed under Reviews

Firmoo for You

When I got the email inviting me to review an upcoming company, I was skeptical about the prospects of new spectacles, but I emailed back for more info. I am SO glad I did.

I read up about Firmoo on their site- I loved the simplicity of their message: Quality and fashion done right. The prices, by the way, are unbeatable! Recently, we got Dave new glasses from a chain discount retailer. While his frames were under $40, the lenses tacked on another $125! Luckily, there are no hidden prices on Firmoo.

I scanned each page of frames, “trying” each on each pair that I liked (look at your script for your PD or call your doctor- I tried to measure myself but was WAY off!). After looking at more traditional styles, I decided that I wanted to go for bold, but good for daily use. This meant a plastic frame- sturdy for Addie’s grasp, and a basic color. I have a wonderful pair of black Coach frames and a fancy pair of gold DKNY frames that are over 7 years old (I just keep changing the script in them). This was my chance- I limited my search to white, plastic frames. When these popped up, I was in love.

As with the new online trend, Firmoo offers the option of uploading your own pic to “try on” products before committing, known as the Virtual Try-On System. I’ve never had good luck with this feature on other sites- the product NEVER looks the same on me as it did online, but in this case, I was pleasantly surprised!

My ordering page

My ordering page

What they look like in real life!

What they look like in real life!

I was AMAZED that they fit my face JUST like they did in the online preview!

I patiently waited for my email that would confirm my shipment. The glasses come from a shipping company unknown to me, but they arrived at my door, none-the-less, safely in a yellow bubble-wrap envelope. I quickly tore open the paper. They were spotless from the moment I opened the package, which was great. Enclosed I found not just the glasses, but a beautiful soft case and hard case, cloth, screw driver and extra screws!


Hard Case

The fixings

I threw my other frames on the dining room table and have been wearing my new ones for three days! In those days I’ve been asked where I got my frames, been told how fabulous they look, and how trendy they are! I will admit I was scared ordering online, but I could not be more pleased with the outcome!

FIRMOOAddie loves them, too! They’re built really well- which is wonderful, because Addie likes to pull them off my face a lot. She’s dropped them quite a few times this week, and I have no scratches or bends. Knowing that these glasses are not expensive (which you can’t tell by looking!) is a wonderful thing. Having a baby and glasses can sometimes turn into a juggling act. As a bonus, I am glad there are extra screws, because I actually needed them for one of my other pairs!

Addie and mommyI invite you, Reader, to try Firmoo for yourself! Click HERE for the First Pair Free program! All you have to do is pay for shipping- it’s a super easy site to navigate, and the styles you can choose from are updated regularly. I cannot recommend them more highly- they’re perfect for you, or as a unique gift for your loved ones. As long as you know your PD (pupillary distance) and Rx (both are easy to obtain from your doc), you can choose styles that are both practical and fun, all with-in your budget! So let loose and try some new styles!

*I was given a free pair of glasses in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by any outside parties.


Filed under Reviews

A Place to Play

Here in the small state of Rhode Island, there are many places for our kids to go and play. While I love knowing that there is usually something going on, sometimes the cost is a deterrent. We pay a membership fee at the YMCA, and we go there as often as we can, but I like to change it up. Paying $4+ dollars for a day isn’t much at the time, but at just 6 times a month, it’s almost $300 a year! The cold months are hard to enjoy while waiting on Spring and Summer, when Addie and I will enjoy parks and the zoo like we did last year. With all this snow on the ground, I have been getting bummed out about not being able to afford a place to go. Then, I heard about the opening of West Side Play Space, near the apartment Dave and I used to share in the West End in Providence. The opening weekend was free, so we went to check it out. Armed with our coffee cups (that we could keep with us), and stocking feet (they have slippers there if you want to wear something), we stepped into the looming building and out of the cold.West Side PLay Space

We took a tour of the space, situated on the first floor at the historic West Broadway Elementary School, 29 Bainbridge Ave in Providence.  West Side Play Space is a program of the West Broadway Neighborhood Association, which [year round] does such hard work preserving the historic the West End, while giving it charm and updates. When Dave and I lived in that part of Providence, we LOVED it!

The space is clean and all the toys are donated, but in pristine condition. There is a nice set-up for younger, less mobile kids like Addie in the corner, a room for imagination (with a reading space, kitchen and car mat) as well as a small bounce house and riding toys for the older kids. There is a HUGE chalkboard to play, and mom and dad don’t have to climb in and out of anything to keep an eye on their babies! It’s such an open, inviting space. I ran into a friend of mine while we were there, and her older daughter loved playing. Other friends of ours enjoyed the time out of the house in a new environment, even if the toys were similar to what their son has at home.

Addie loved playing with her Daddy:

250787_10200336695167422_670923905_nAnd also Mommy and the blue horse!


It was really nice to just let her play, too… she was so enamored with all the other children:


While we were there, we learned that the space for younger kids was still being designed, and they hoped to have a bigger place for them. I also hope that they have a way to cordon it off, as there was some older kid bullying (taking toys from the babies) and riding a small bike onto the mat… but all-in-all, we had a truly wonderful experience.

This is a great space for locals, but I was glad I didn’t have to be a resident to join. WSPS is a co-operative, thus keeping costs down. For this season, they are planning on being open until May 2013, at a cost of $40 for the season. There are limited subsidized memberships, too, as WSPS is a firm believer in no family being turned away due to lack of funds. As a member, each family is responsible for one volunteer shift a month (there is a brief orientation prior to your first shift)- not available to waiver, BUT you can have your child with you and they’re only 1 1/2 to 2 hours. If you want to check out the space, try one of these options: daily drop-ins are $10 (note: this is NOT a space where you can leave your child)- this fee can be credited towards a full membership. There is also Free Open Play Day on the first Saturday of every month!

Addie and I hope to see you there! Their hours for this season are: Monday: 9:00a-12:00p/Thursday: 3:00-6:00p/Saturday: 1:00-5:00p/Sunday 9:00a-1:00p.

*My family has a membership to WSPS. All opinions are my own.


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Jeweled Mama

Mama bling me!

I placed my order August 14, and on the 29th, it arrived. Wow… this took me a while to post. I was disappointed when my necklace was still not here, so I called, only to learn that it was on back order!  “We usually call people when stuff like this happens, but it looks like you fell through the cracks.”
I was sad.
“It looks like we have something shipping to you. It’s probably the same color in the other style. It’s in a pile of other items to ship, I can pull it and send you something different if you’d like.”

I didn’t like that I had to contact customer service. Knowing that with such a small company, I fell through the cracks, doesn’t make a mom feel very special, and sometimes moms need to feel special. But I decided to change my order to the bronze, so I could have the style I’d originally wanted.

And 2 days later, a package came with this:

This wasn’t the one I had wanted in shape, but the color was beautiful. The next day, the bronze necklace came. And they wanted neither necklace back!

I LOVE wearing these pieces out! People always ask: You let her chew on your jewelry? And I love telling them, that’s what it’s for! They’re made from a silicone phthalate and is lead free and non-toxic. They can be cleaned in a dishwasher, but I don’t have one, so I clean them with the paci wipes every time I put on on, and it’s saved me from needing to bring a bink everywhere!

Me with my bling!

Admittedly, the ring is easier for Addie to hold, but the disk is perfect for her front teeth. The break-away cord it comes with is awesome and never leaves a mark when Addie pulls it off, and the clasp is super easy to put back on and is still holding strong.
While I was disappointed I didn’t get my necklace earlier, I am so happy to have it now- two, in fact! I suggest these to all new moms and for anyone looking for the best shower gift, but who doesn’t ever buy off the registry (which drives me crazy). You can also just buy the pendant and switch them out on the same cord for yourself. Awesome product and a wonderful company. Thank you SmartMom!

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Filed under Parenting, Reviews

My Best Friend

If I could choose an inanimate object as my BFF, I would chose the NoseFrida. The tagline: The Snot Sucker, may intimidate you, but I promise it’s worth it. In conjunction with the bulb syringe, it makes MOM and unstoppable force against snot.

Addie began to show signs of congestion a few weeks ago, and though she is happy as a clam (are clams really that happy), the snot running down the face look is just not for me. I used to bulb, but it didn’t get it all out and it took a long time, so I took a chance on the NoseFrida. It’s AMAZING!

I suck the deep back with the *bulb syringe then get it all with the Frida, and call it a day!

Children with achondroplasia often have narrow nasal passages, so I was concerned about the season of stuffy noses and teething all running into each other, but I know we can tackle it with our new friend! It’s non-invasive, quick and Addie actually laughs at it half the time! She is able to keep her bink in, too, which is a great distraction. I was concerned about snot in my mouth, but the Swedes (it’s a Swedish product) thought of everything- the part against the nose is very long (I’ve never gotten anything above the tip), then there is a filter- which is easy to change and comes with extra (also available separately), then there is the tub you suck through which is long. Although I would not use this on a child other than mine (that seems really gross), I think this is something I wish I had registered for. It is a great investment (about $14-20 depending on where you purchase).

** Martinka must-haves to battle the nose
1. Little Noses “kit”
2. NoseFrida
3. Kleenex
(The inexpensive brands are very dry and rough on baby noses!)
4. Baby cotton swabs
(the dry cotton helps grab anything you missed)

* proper use of the syringe includes HOLDING the opposite nostril to create suction! Just putting it in the nose does not give enough to pull snot down.

** PLEASE be VERY careful when putting anything in your child’s nose. The NoseFrida is GREAT because you don’t have to put it in the nose which takes away the chance of injuring your child.

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Filed under Parenting, Reviews

Some Satire with your Shower

So, I’ve been thinking a lot about this proverbial mom time I’ve been hearing so much about. I never really want to get away, in fact I have panic attacks when I take the trash out and Addie is inside, but I was intrigued by the concept when I took mommy time for myself today. I peed. Alone. In fact, I just sat there reading for a whole minute. I was intrigued by the paragraph in a back issue (of which I have many) of Parenting Magazine that explained that a baby not holding its head up when you pull its arms after 6 months is an early sign of autism. I felt bad for all the moms out there yanking their kids up and calling their pediatricians.

Maybe, I thought, their kid just has a big, heavy head.

But, I read. Alone.

Granted, Addie was napping, and I laid the vacuum down, took off my rubber gloves and took the opportunity to pee and read at the same time, but- to me- this was my time.

So, later that night, my husband said to me, “take a shower if you want.” And, boy, did I need.

I hopped in and did my usual hair, pits, legs, lather up… when I heard no crying I looked down in the corner of the tub and saw it.
A brown sugar body scrub from Sensational Showers. I got it as a gift last Christmas from a friend, and I thought it was awesome, except I like to use it on my feet and although I could touch my toes until the day I gave birth, doing so wasn’t a highlight. But, tonight was my night.

I opened up the jar and was hit with a beautiful burst of warmth. It smelled like Christmas! I scrubbed my feet on the floor of the shower, letting the water hit me til it was almost cold. Carefully (lots of oils), I stepped out of the shower. I poured myself a glass of champagne (celebrating how awesome my husband is- literally, that is why we have champagne) and came to write a blog.

This mommy time may not be a pedicure, which I desperately need, but it is time for me to have soft feet, remember amazing friends and the gifts that keep on giving, and my hubby… for “letting” me take a shower.

I have an appointment to use an expiring LivingSocial massage in two weeks. I hope that doesn’t lead me to heartbreak. Leaving Addie with anyone besides Dave will be hard, but I have chosen someone who is going to be a lifelong friend to Addie, Dave and me.

Have a beautiful evening moms and dads- may you get a chance to pee, or read, or both!


Filed under Family Life, Reviews

Well hello there!

I have been looking for toys for tiny hands, and, sent from above, a friend answered my prayers: and I ordered Addie her own Green Toys Twist Teether, and she loves it!

Yep, that packaging is 100% recyclable

I have been scared to order her toys off line, but when I heard great reviews from a friend who has a daughter who is tiny (just small for her age), I knew Addie needed this toy.  As soon as it came, I washed it up well and handed it over to my tester in the back seat. I heard little clinks and huffs, and as I checked my mirror, I could see her wrapping her lips around the nubs that connect the green rings together. So sweet. Like mommy like baby: doing it her own way.

Her little hands can grasp the toy and there are many surfaces for her to try to help soothe her gums and keep her occupied for a long time (although she does take teething breaks for the press):

The teether is colorful, though not annoying or sex-based (blue vs pink), and keeps Addie’s attention, even when she’s not in the car (the ceiling fan will have competition!). As a mom, I love that it is made in the USA from 100% recycled milk containers that save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are NO BPA, PVC, phthalates, or external coatings and it meets FDA food contact standards. (For those who have the luxury, the teether is dishwasher safe too.)

Having a daughter who will need to feel independent with her toys, and will be small for a while, having this toy to satisfy her visual and tactile senses for a time to come is great! Achondroplasia doesn’t mean you can’t play with other toys, but to have something that fits perfectly in tiny hands can make life pretty happy.

Up next… This awesome truck. Girls need to play, too!


Filed under Achondroplasia, Reviews