Tag Archives: bloggers

Marvelous Mondays!

In the spirit of starting new things for the New Year, I am starting Marvelous Monday! This will be my weekly thankful/educating post.

I found that during the month of October which is Dwarfism Awareness Month, I was posting facts about Addie and dwarfism, and people were amazed and eager to know more. This is  a GREAT thing, as I feel super excited to begin the year helping everyone learn! I have always loved teaching and tutoring, and I adore my baby girl- what better way to spend my days? For more info in the meantime, please visit Understanding Dwarfism on Facebook or on the web.

I also spent November thinking of things I was thankful for each day. While it is simple to find things I am thankful for, because I was only listing for 30 days, I wanted them to be spectacular and “deep”. Things like: I am thankful for Dr. Bober and his team at A.I. DuPont in Delaware. But, I also want to shout: I’m thankful for Sharpie markers. Those things are great for everything from labels to marking hands at a show (cheaper than paper tickets). And so, each Monday, I will share my thanks.

Lastly, as much as I LOVE my baby girl and she is my whole world (Dave and Carter and Morgan, too), I would love to have another baby someday and I don’t want to be so focused on Addie that another babe would feel sadly blog-less. I love this site and I hope to grow my followers and readers, thus I will also add one “random” thing in each MM post. Something like an awesome new recipe I tried, or great news, or a good movie I saw (I never go to the movies, so don’t count on that!).

I am hoping that my Monday blogs are something other bloggers may want to join in on, too! I truly want to give a light start to everyone’s week, while offering up some information about something people don’t know a lot about: Dwarfism.

If you have a child or family member you want to spread the word about, or some facts and information the public needs to know, I ask you, fellow bloggers, to share! Anything from autism to dementia, a charity you think needs a shout-out or a dog that needs rescuing. The young, old and everyone in between.

I hope everyone is having a Marvelous Monday! First post next week… and I already have a topic in mind!

If you have a question about dwarfism or Addie, please post in the comments or on Addie’s Facebook page. I will be answering weekly in my MM posts.

Please… keep sharing:

I am still not in contact with Gedney Foods, but have no fear. I have BIG plans for this project 🙂

Addie is thankful for snowsuits!

Addie is thankful for snowsuits!


Filed under #educate, Achondroplasia, Community, Marvelous Monday, Parenting